Quratulain Ali Bukhari
Clinical Psychologist
Quratulain Ali Bukhari, is a Clinical Psychologist from Karachi, Pakistan. She is having around 4 years of working experience from 2014 till now with the clinical population. She is been working with inpatients and OPDs both, including individuals with various demographic parameters and psychological issues. Research is another dimension of this field and currently, she is working on the project which is about the Obsessive-Compulsive disorder and its screening and the development of screening tool. she comes across with the diverse nature of psychological problems and dealt with them challengingly. she believe in compassion and to work for the betterment of humanity, which is her lifetime goal. Her major interests are to work with her clients’ directly on one on one basis and improve their coping strategies to enable them for more and more positive functioning in life. She considers herself as a passionate psychologist who is strong opinionated professional at the same time and striving to bring a drastic change in the psychological domain.
Research Interest
striving to bring a drastic change in the psychological domain.